Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Right now I am looking at making a simple mobile game. After seeing games like Threes! and 2048, I would love to make a simple game that is based off of deck building games! I love deck building games. Especially Dominion, DC, Star Trek, and Resident Evil.

So far, I want to keep the cards very simple. Either using numbers or symbols. I was thinking using elements like fire, water, earth, and dark etc.

No complex pictures with a flat design look similar to Threes! I have found that the flat design look is very popular and very readable. I want to either slide cards around or tap on one card then tap another to execute.

Deck building is surrounded by having base cards, a pool to buy from, and use those cards to get more cards which then are worth points.

Post ongoing. More on the way...

Long time no talk!

I am back! This is my first post in a long time. I had a baby, made 3 games and got a new job! I can't wait to start blogging again.

More will follow and I will be talking about game design, production, and more! I

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ever wanted to make mobile games for free? Contribute and learn how!

Here is my video for my Indiegogo videogame production education campaign! Please contribute by clicking this link: or go to to check it out! If you have ever wanted to make games for free take a look! Thank you so much for your support!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Unity Mobile License are free! That is totally awesome!

Unity Mobile License are free! That is totally awesome!

If you haven't noticed already ready that Unity3D licenses are free. This means so many awesome things! This means you can take the free version of Unity3D and make a game for android or iOS or OUYA! The game industry has come a long way. I am very happy to announce this. You can also subscribe to Unity3D Pro for $75 a month for at least 12 months. This is great if you can't post up $1500 right now. Anyways, please check out Unity3D at now!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising Moving Forward

Now that Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising will be published on Xbox Live, we have to think about the future of Avatar Trials. Depending on how well it does we might take it to the next level. Windows has come out with Windows 8, Surface, RT, and a phone. What if Avatar Trials was ported to those systems, then...wait for it...we port Avatar Trials to the new Xbox 720/Durango! The exposure would be amazing. Windows has been shifting to the growing market and becoming more mobile friendly. This is believe is the best way to stay in business. I would think that we would add more levels, work with the art, and animations to make a better game for the port. In the meantime we need to think how are we going to make this port happen. This is a very exciting idea and I hope we move forward with it.

Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising PASSED!

Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising PASSED the XBLIG reivew process! We get to publish! This means that 4/26/2013 is the day of the Avatar Trials! This has been a long journey of iteration and hard work. I am very excited to see how the game is received. During the EAE demo day that was followed by 3 local news stations: See the #1 game program on the news! Fox 13:, KSL:, DesNews:, we had many people play our game and there were pretty impressed! They liked the use of the Avatar, ninja abilities, levels, and the platforming. We had people play our game and beat the first level. They would then leave. However, they would come back for more! They had to beat the other 2 levels. It was exciting to see how much people liked our game.

XBLIG Review Process

Getting a game to pass through XBLIG is not always an easy task. There are an incredible number of ways to crash your game. Using xbox profiles, purchasing, demos, storage, etc. can make it very difficult to get your game published. We have gone through 2 review processes and failed. There were some interesting bugs and great comments. Things like game crashes here, camera clipping here, or even art suggestions that help the game flow better. I really think this is a great way to test your game. There is a great community of developers on XBLIG that for free will test your game and give you feedback. The catch is that they hope that you will test their game too. I hope that Microsoft does something similar to this and XNA in the future. Indie devs are the future!