Thursday, April 25, 2013

Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising PASSED!

Avatar Trials: Ninja Uprising PASSED the XBLIG reivew process! We get to publish! This means that 4/26/2013 is the day of the Avatar Trials! This has been a long journey of iteration and hard work. I am very excited to see how the game is received. During the EAE demo day that was followed by 3 local news stations: See the #1 game program on the news! Fox 13:, KSL:, DesNews:, we had many people play our game and there were pretty impressed! They liked the use of the Avatar, ninja abilities, levels, and the platforming. We had people play our game and beat the first level. They would then leave. However, they would come back for more! They had to beat the other 2 levels. It was exciting to see how much people liked our game.

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