Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Right now I am looking at making a simple mobile game. After seeing games like Threes! and 2048, I would love to make a simple game that is based off of deck building games! I love deck building games. Especially Dominion, DC, Star Trek, and Resident Evil.

So far, I want to keep the cards very simple. Either using numbers or symbols. I was thinking using elements like fire, water, earth, and dark etc.

No complex pictures with a flat design look similar to Threes! I have found that the flat design look is very popular and very readable. I want to either slide cards around or tap on one card then tap another to execute.

Deck building is surrounded by having base cards, a pool to buy from, and use those cards to get more cards which then are worth points.

Post ongoing. More on the way...

Long time no talk!

I am back! This is my first post in a long time. I had a baby, made 3 games and got a new job! I can't wait to start blogging again.

More will follow and I will be talking about game design, production, and more! I