Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Game Update 4

We finally got everything ready for our presentation today to the industry panel. It was very exciting and almost too exciting for me. I hardly ever get nervous about a presentation. I have been serving at restaurants for years and I am usually fine. However, our team did very well! We got the one pager done, shot video of the prototype, and prepared a stellar presentation. Creating the animations for this prototype were very fun and I hope this game moves on so we can create some more. This game really has the potential to be a great multiplayer experience. It has personalized avatars, great animations, battling, and capture the flag. As an artist I wish it was easier to set up lighting, normal mapping, UV mapping, and shadows in XNA. It would have allowed me to create a better looking level. Did I mention wall run animations are difficult? That was tough to visualize.

Here is our one pager:

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